Thursday, March 31, 2011


Gravado no dia 21 e 22 de fevereiro no Madison Square Garden, o especial que irá ao ar no dia 7 de maio acaba de ganhar um pôster oficial de divulgação.

Lady GaGa Live at Super Sonic 2009 (Audio)


Track list:
1. Opening Movie
2. Paparazzi
3. Lovegame
4. Beautiful Dirty Rich
5. Band Jam (Punk Rock Rave)
6. Video Interlude 1
7. The Fame
8. Money Honey
9. Boys Boys Boys
10. Video Interlude 2
11. Just Dance
12. Eh Eh (There's Nothing Else I Can Say)
13. Brown Eyes
14. Poker face (Acoustic Version)
15. Poker face

Fashion - EP


Track List:
1. Fashion
2. Fashion (Demo)
3. Fashion (Tony's Up Private Tribal Mix)

Thank You For Saving ILuvGaGa!!!! This Site Is Here To Stay FOREVER!!!!! LUV GUYS!!!

I just wanted to Take The Time Out To thank Each and Everyone of The Visitors to the Site For Saving it!!! and I don't Have To Make another Quota EVERY AGAIN!! So now I Can provide you guys with all the Latest gaga news and media and downloads!! Im soooo happy now ILuvGaGa Will Be Open Forever!!! and As A Thank You to you guys Check Back Here on April 23rd 2011 for ANOTHER Great ILuvGaGa Contest!!! For More Updates Check Here on ILuvGaGa and On ILuvGaGa's Facebook Page: !

So Once Again Thank You For The 300 Likes and Helping Me Fill The Quota and for Keeping The Site Open!!
LuvU Guys!!!
and Don't Forget to Always Check Here For The Latest GaGa Media!!!

Jim Jones & His Goons Go After Somaya Reece's Manager...Things Get Ugly! VH1 "Love & Hip-Hop" Super Sneak Peek (VIDEO)

On VH1's new Reality Show "Love & Hip-Hop," Somaya Reece's manager, Maurice, mouthed off about rapper Jim Jones and his girl friend, Crissy... So Jim Jones and his goonies came to see Maurice....check it out!!

7 Minute Super Sneak Peek:


Fabolous Kicks Baby Mother/ New VH1 "Love & Hip-Hop" Star, Emily B, To The Curb!

Video do Dia: Clipe Don't Give Up-Lady Gaga ft Midway State

Clipe Don't Give Up-Lady Gaga ft Midway State

Foto do Dia: Lady Gaga ao lado de Akon no Grammy 2010

Gaga e Akon:

Lady Gaga: 59º Capítulo

Segundo Lady Gaga, o videoclipe de Born this Way representa o "nascimento de uma nova raça dentro da raça humana; uma raça que não apresenta nenhum perigo e que continua a crescer". Posteriormente, a cantora afirmou que estava "muito orgulhosa" do vídeo, admitindo que sua equipe trabalhou em conjunto para dar vida aos conceitos criados por ela, dizendo que "teve um momento absolutamente sublime trabalhando nisso".

A abertura do vídeo, mostrando o espaço, tem como música de fundo o tema composto por Bernard Herrmann para o filme "Vertigo", de Alfred Hitchcock. Dos 7 minutos e 20 segundos de "Born This Way", cerca de 3 minutos apresentam essa música. De acordo com a Rolling Stone, as imagens de ficção científica do clipe são provenientes do filme "Metropolis" de Fritz Lang, lançado em 1927. Yahoo! disse que existem referências também ao filme "Aliens" (1986), de James Cameron, e um efeito de luz similar ao usado pelo diretor Robert Rodriguez em "Sin City". Em uma revisão especial, MTV afirmou que o videoclipe foi influenciado pela mitologia greco-romana e pelo surrealismo, além de notar outars semelhanças culturais, incluindo referências a diversos artistas - como a finalização com a pessoa misteriosa, que seria uma homenagem a Michael Jackson (personificado nas luvas, no andar e no cenário estilo "Billie Jean") e Madonna (representada nos dentes separados). O site falou ainda dos pequenos detalhes da produção, como imagens da Flor de lótus, do Terceiro olho, de uma constelação em forma de ovário e de similaridades com o afresco do Juízo Final de Michelangelo.

A maquiagem usada pela cantora e por seus dançarinos para representar a nova raça é a mesma usada por Gaga no Grammy e em entrevistas a programas de TV para divulgar o single, com cinco enxertos protuberantes no rosto, como pequenos chifres, inspirados pela coleção Primavera/Verão 2010 do falecido estlista e amigo de Gaga, Alexander McQueen. O triângulo rosa que aparece no início do clipe é notoriamente conhecido como o símbolo que os Nazistas usavam para identificar os homossexuais nos campos de concentração.[101] O unicórnio que aparece dentro do triângulo é um dos símbolos de Gaga, que possui uma tatuagem com o animal e o nome da canção na coxa esquerda. O clipe teve duas participações especiais: a da modelo top gaúcha Raquel Zimmermann, que aparece rapidamente ajudando a Mother Monster a dar à luz a nova raça; e a de Rick Genest, conhecido como "Zumbie Boy", cujo corpo e rosto são tatuados a parecer um esqueleto. O modelo canadense participou de um desfile de Thierry Mugler, no qual Gaga fez uma aparição.

Continua amanhã ás 13 horas...

Born this Way atinge 2 milhões de vendas

O single de sucesso de Lady Gaga, Born This Way, atingiu esta semana os dois milhões de vendas, só nos EUA, tornando-se o 8º single de Gaga a passar a marca dos dois Milhões de vendas. Na Billboard Hot 100, Born This Way desceu para o número 4, após seis semanas seguidas em número 1.

Fonte: LGPT


Lady Gaga foi anunciada como a atração principal para este ano na Radio BBC 1 Big Weekend. O evento terá lugar em Carlisle, Reino Unido, a 15 de Maio de 2011, com todos os bilhetes a serem distribuídos de graça.

“Estou muito animada por estar voltar ao Radio 1′s Big Weekend”, disse Gaga. “Estive a ensaiar e a planear as coisas durante muitos meses, e após dois anos de trabalho no meu novo álbum, eu vou começar a fazer um grande desempenho no Reino Unido. Eu estou mais animada para o grande final de semana, porque eu não posso esperar para ver todos os monstros no Reino Unido. Espera para veres um monstro com uma fantasia pop avant-garde. Este evento é tão importante para mim porque a Radio 1 foi uma das primeiras estações que realmente apoiaram a minha arte e minha música e tenho que voltar e aproveitar esse momento com todos vocês. Muito obrigado por todo o vosso amor e apoio e por sempre acreditarem em mim como artista. Eu não posso esperar para vê-los. Paws Up!“

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jennifer Lopez f/ Lil' Wayne "I'm Into You" (#MP3 DOWNLOAD)

J-Lo said Weezy is now one of her fav rappers and I guess when J-Lo speaks she makes sh*t happen. Check her out her new joint with Lil' Wayne "I'm Into You" below:

Rihanna Behind The Scenes: Rolling Stone Cover (VIDEO)

Not sure what's more famous here, RiRi or her shorts on the cover of the latest Rolling Stone Magazine. Check out the cover and the behind the scenes of the shoot below:


Diddy Dirty Money f/ Rick Ross & Trey Songz "Your Love" (MUSIC VIDEO)


Khloe Kardashian Covers Cosmo Middle East + Previews New Reality Show w/ Lamar (PHOTOS)

Khloe Kardashian can officially add another major first to her name, in addition to being Kris Jenner’s first married child...

Khloe is the first cover girl for the brand new Cosmopolitan Middle East.

Yes, the same Cosmo that runs pieces like “A Girl’s Guide to Oral Sex” and the “How to Score the Big O Everytime” has a Middle Eastern edition. We’re pretty sure their Middle Eastern readers won’t be getting the type of advice Cosmo doles out here in the U.S. or the freaky sh*t they probably cover in their French and British editions.

Khloe and her hubby Lamar are also getting ready for their Reality Show on E!

Sharing space under the Odom roof is Khloé’s brother, Rob, who is embarking on his own career in the music industry now that he is no longer living with mom Kris and step-dad Bruce Jenner.

The show will also follow Lamar both in Los Angeles and as he hits the road to fulfill his professional duties as a member of the world-famous L.A. Lakers.

Born and raised in South Jamaica, Queens, New York, Odom's background is a world apart from the privileged upbringing Khloé enjoyed in Los Angeles. With all the drama and laughter that is certain to be a part of this new series, could Lamar's expressed desire to "start having children right away" come into play? If so, viewers will likely be the first to find out.

The eight-episode series will be premiering Sunday, April 10 at 9pm Eastern.

Check out a preview below:


Diddy & Singer Cassie Hugged Up In Miami (PHOTOS)

We have been hearing about these two on and off and it seems they are still ON.... Check out Diddy and Cassie coupled up in Miami at Diddy’s Star Island mansion...

Where's Kim Porter though? O.o

Chris Brown Laughs At The Haters - Album Lands #1 In Country!

Approximately 270,000 copies later Chris Brown LONG road to redemption struck a mighty blow to haters and angry mothers everywhere.

Following a long week of breaking windows and bad press.... after Chris' performances on Dancing With the Stars Tuesday, he is now celebrating his first chart-topping album.

Thanking fans late Tuesday, Brown says it’s all about the music.

“I wanna thank all of my fans for making my album (“F.A.M.E.”) number 1 in the country!! I love you! We did it,”
Brown told fans Tuesday.
“I live for my music!! I survive for my fans”.

Brown’s album, “F.A.M.E.” reportedly sold 273,000 copies to claim the summit Wednesday, nearly eclipsing his best selling debut with “Exclusive” in 2007. That album, featuring hits like “Wall To Wall,” sold 294,000 copies first week.

We have said it before but at this point is it safe to say that Chris is officially “back”??

Episódio ”Born This Way” em Glee será maior

O episódio de número 18 da segunda temporada de Glee, intitulado “Born This Way”, não terá seus 60 minutos habituais de duração. A Fox, emissora que exibe o programa, anunciou que o capítulo é especial.

O episódio é especial sobre o novo single de Lady Gaga e terá 30 minutos a mais que o normal.

Diferente do que aconteceu nos episódios especiais Britney Spears e Madonna, o episódio “Born This Way” não será focado em Lady Gaga, mas usará a mensagem da música como tema principal. A música será performada pelos integrantes do coral New Directions no final do capítulo.

Este episódio será o maior de todos da história do seriado Glee.
O episódio “Born This Way” já foi gravado e irá ao ar nos Estados Unidos no dia 19 de abril.

Lady Gaga vai ser colunista da revista de moda V Magazine

Lady Gaga vai escrever para a revista de moda V Magazine. A cantora deu a notícia através da sua conta no Twitter ao escrever “Começo no mês que vem como colunista de moda e arte na V Magazine.”
A V Magazine, publicação norte-americana, lança também um repto a “todos os artistas, criadores e pequenos monstros – alcunha que Gaga dá aos seus fãs – que enviem ilustrações da nova colunista.”
Os fãs interessados podem enviar os desenhos para até dia 3 de Abril.
Gaga afirmou também que vai recomeçar a gravar episódios da “Transmission Gagavision” uma série criada pela cantora para os seus fãs na internet onde conta a sua jornada para “a conquista do mundo”

Notícia Bad: Katy Perry emplaca o 4º single na Billboard e tira Lady Gaga do topo

Com a proximidade da estreia de seu novo clipe, "E.T.", Katy Perry tirou Lady Gaga do topo da parada da Billboard norte-america e ainda fez história.

Agora Katy é a primeira artista em mais de seis anos a colocar quatro músicas de um mesmo disco em 1º lugar na Billboard. O último a conseguir o feito foi Usher, em 2004.

Em 52 anos de história da parada apenas nove discos colocaram quatro músicas em 1º lugar.

O clipe de "E.T." conta com a participação de Kanye West e estreia amanhã, dia 31 de março.

Será que Born this Way consegue voltar pro topo? Neste atual momento, a música foi para o 4º lugar da Billboard. Acho que se todos os Monsters ajudarem, é sim possível...

Video do Dia: Gaga performa Bad Romance no programa Jay Leno
Gaga performa Bad Romance:

Foto do Dia: Lady Gaga e Space Cowboy

Lady Gaga e Space Cowboy:

Lady Gaga: 58º Capítulo

Opiniões sobre o vídeo da música Born this Way têm sido em geral positivas. James Montgomery, da MTV, elogiou o conceito geral do clipe. Em sua revisão, ele disse: "Born This Way [...] é um espetáculo completo. Parte odisseia no espaço, parte um fio criacionista, que envolve a formação não apenas de um universo inteiramente novo, mas de uma raça inteiramente nova da humanidade, também". Na conclusão de sua análise, ele escreveu: "É parte fantasia, parte uma realidade de esperança. É sobre o futuro e o passado [...], mas na verdade, tudo isso empalidece em comparação com o espectáculo completo da coisa.[...]

Depois de dominar completamente este mundo, com 'Born This Way' Lady Gaga parece ter conteúdo para criar mundos completamente novos". Myrddin Gwynedd do New Zealand Herald disse que Gaga "assume sua predileção por imagens excêntricas e provocantes ao extremo no vídeo para o seu novo single". Entertainment Weekly também elogiou o vídeo: "De sexy em lingerie para mórbida em smokings, Gaga e seus bailarinos têm um desempenho brilhante neste novo vídeo". A Billboard disse que o vídeo apresenta semelhanças com "Vogue"e "Bordeline", de Madonna, e diz que o clipe "é mais um curta-metragem high-fashion do que um vídeo de música convencional".

Continua amanhã ás 13 horas...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chris Brown Performs On "Dancing W/ The Stars" (FULL VIDEO)

After a week of madness following his "meltdown" on Good Morning America, ABC finally got all their money's worth from C. Breezy as he did a phenomenal job for his "Dancing w/ The Stars" performance!

We are pretty sure he lip synced the whole thing but that kid can dance his a$$ off.

Check him out below, and DWTS fans, we included the the results for you as well!




Chris Brown & Rihanna Reunion Interview??

Chris Brown Goes "Ballistic" & Breaks Window During Interview When Asked About Rihanna! (VIDEO)

Charlie Sheen Unable To Sell Show Tickets

Charlie Sheen may be still "winning" by already receiving his money for selling out his tour, but the ticket brokers that snatched up seats to re-sell are on the losing end of the deal!

According to our sources, Sheen's relatively quiet week in the press has left him out of the public spotlight and companies like StubHub racing to unload open seats. As of Monday, there were 2800 seats available for his New York shows.

A broker told the newspaper,
"I'm worried. I need him to do something else stupid so I can unload all these tickets. We bought them on a whim, and I guarantee we're going to take a loss."
He purchased 85 tickets to Sheen's shows - and has sold less than 10.
"If he isn't filled up with drugs, he won't be funny. People who buy tickets now, they're going to see a car crash."
An amateur broker purchased over $1500 in tickets to shows in big cities like Boston and Chicago has so far sold one ticket - for under face value.

Lady Gaga Gets Bloody W/ Alice Cooper, "I Just Died & Went To hell" (PHOTOS)

Lady Gaga got a nice surprise backstage at her recent concert in Phoenix, Ariz. - she met her idol, original shock-rocker Alice Cooper and Tweeted a picture from their meeting yesterday - her birthday.

"I just died and went to Hell,"
she Tweeted - along with the picture of herself covered in fake blood and her idol's hand around her neck.

While Gaga is a huge fan of Cooper, the macabre rocker also finds himself a fan of hers.

"She's a cross between Madonna, Mae West and Liberace... She's a spectacle."

"She's great because she gets it, but she can back it up. She can sing, she can write, she can play piano, she's not just a costume queen,"
he says.

"You can be as outrageous as you wanna be, as long as you can back it up with the music. She said, 'if you're gonna do it, go as far out on a limb as you can, like Alice Cooper did.' She's totally outrageous. Lady Gaga's already in the history of rock 'n' roll.

"I see bands and I go, 'What, he went down to Gap and bought a pair of corduroys and a shirt?' What fun is that? Nobody will remember 90% of the rock bands, but they'll remember Gaga,"
he adds.

After meeting her hero, Lady Gaga asked Cooper if she could make a cameo appearance in one of his famous stage shows - which often include morbid scenery including many death devices, such as a gallows or guillotine and lots of fake blood.

Sources say that it could happen as soon as this May, when both artists' tours will be in Brazil at the same time.

And speaking of the history of rock 'n' roll, Cooper, 63, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this month.

Paris Hilton & Lil' Wayne Talk Prison Time, Doing A Song Together & More In Exclusive Interview

Who better to interview Weezy than Paris Hilton? Ok Ok there are a few other candidates but we got to say, Paris' Weezy interview is definitely a good way.

Paris Hilton interviewed Lil' Wayne for the April issue of Interview magazine, and the match provided some pretty amazing quotes.

The hip hop star talked about what it feels like to be called the "new king of hip-hop", discovering Drake, and the most bizarre thing he has read about himself.

The two compare their time in solitary confinement and the possibility of a collaboration on Paris' next album.

Below are some of the interview's best quotes:

HILTON: And now you’re being called the new king of hip-hop. What do you think of that? Is it something that’s hard to live up to? Or is it exciting to have people say that?

WAYNE: It’s very exciting. I love pressure, so I guess if that brings forth pressure, then I’m up for it. But, you know, titles are titles, and names are names. As long as people remember me forever, that will be enough for me.
HILTON: What’s the most bizarre thing that you’ve ever read about yourself?

WAYNE: The most bizarre thing I’ve ever read about myself is that I was dead. That was kind of weird to read that I’m dead— mostly because I was reading it. [both laugh]

HILTON: I read that about myself once, too. It’s pretty bizarre.

Lil' Wayne on his experience with the paparazzi in Miami:

"The only time I ever really witnessed some crazy paparazzi was during my court experiences. Every time I rode up to court, as soon as I jumped out of the truck, they were there to snap, and all in our way to where we couldn’t walk. It’s nowhere near like that around here. But maybe I’m just not that caliber of person that they want to take pictures of me like that."

Lil' Wayne on discovering Drake and the one thing he has taught him from his own experiences:

"When I first heard Drake, I already knew that he had potential beyond my imagination, because the kid was singing and rapping—and he was rapping real well…So that’s when I already knew that he was gonna blow up, right there. He would’ve done it—with me or not—I just wanted to make sure it was with me. And the main thing I’ve told him, or taught him, for lack of better words, is just to stay humble and remember who you are throughout it all, because there’s gonna be moments in every single day when you’ll have to go back to that person and reflect on that person. You have to self-reflect. If you forget who you actually are, then what’s the use of even looking in the mirror."
Lil' Wayne on his lyrics:

"I don’t hold nothing back. I do exactly what I want to do, and say exactly what I want to say. Sometimes I consider the fact that I have a daughter, but I also think about the realities of the world…I mean, once I get through that hump, then, like I said, I just say what’s on my mind."

Lil' Wayne on why his music is the way it is:

"Music is a reflection of who you are, and if those things that you mentioned are what your music is all about, then I guess that’s who you are…I speak about what I speak about, and I guess that’s because I’m a crazy- ass nigga…You have Jay-Z, and he speaks about more corporate things, and I’m quite sure he’s a pretty corporate guy."

Lil' Wayne and Paris Hilton on solitary confinement:

WAYNE: For me it was okay, because it just meant that I was alone with my thoughts.

HILTON: I had to do 24 nights in solitary. [Hilton was held in a separate cell as a safety precaution.]
WAYNE: Oh, so you know how it is.

HILTON: Yeah, I know how it is.

HILTON: How happy are you to have your freedom now?
WAYNE: Words cannot explain.

HILTON: Yeah, I know how you feel. [laughs] It’s the best feeling in the world when you come out.

Lil' Wayne on if he is satisfied with his career:

"I’m nowhere near satisfied and I’m always hungry for more. I’m a very creative person, and the best part about creation is creating. So I always love to come up with new things, new ideas, new thoughts."

HILTON: Do you believe in horoscopes?

WAYNE: I’ve read horoscopes before and what they say about Libras. But I would actually love to not be what somebody writes down—I don’t want to be described.

HILTON: Do you have any pets?
WAYNE: I like animals, but I only have a few pets. I have a bunch of fish, and I have two sharks. Those are my dudes.

HILTON: Wow. Sharks? Nice. How big are the sharks?
WAYNE: One is a little baby, so he’s about a foot or two, or something like that. Then the other one is a good two, two and a half feet, or almost three feet. EHRLICH: So do you have a huge pool for them? Or do they stay in a tank?
WAYNE: They live in a crib…It’s like a little pond under the stairwell in my house. So they swim under there.
HILTON: That’s dope.

Paris on what goals she wishes to accomplish by the end of the year:

"I’d really love to finish my album, because I’ve been working on it for so long…I’d also love to just continue doing my businesses, and be more confrontational with people…"

Lil' Wayne on what goals he wishes to accomplish by the end of the year:

"I want to bank a cool $50 million at least. At the end of this year, I want to be able to say that I banked $50 million. Not generated $50 million, but actually banked $50 million."

WAYNE: I wanna ask you something, Paris. When are you dropping your album?

HILTON: When am I dropping the album?

WAYNE: Yeah. Do you know?
HILTON: Hopefully soon. I’ve been working on it for so long—since my last album [Paris, 2006, Warner Bros.]. So I want to release it by this summer, because I have a lot of summer bangers. I want to just have it out, because that’s when people love to party.

WAYNE: That’s cool.

HILTON: If I had you on a song too, that would be hot.

WAYNE: That was gonna be my next question. I was gonna ask you, how are you gonna release an album and don’t get me on it?

HILTON: Well, if you would be on the album, then I would be honored. That would be the sickest thing. We should get each other’s phone numbers so we can call each other after the interview or text or something.

WAYNE: Cool. Sounds good.

HILTON: My number is 310-XXX-XXXX.

WAYNE: Okay. I’ll text you my number.
HILTON: …I have a recording studio that I built in my house—and a nightclub too.

You have a nightclub in your house?
HILTON: I built one, yeah, because I don’t really like to go out as much as I used to, so I just built a club at my house with the studio attached to it.

WAYNE: You’re so fuckin’ rich.

Do you have a disco ball in there?

HILTON: No, it’s really elegant. Although it has a stripper pole, so maybe it’s not that elegant.

If you want more, the April issue of "Interview" Magazine hit newsstands nationwide on April 5.

NEW MUSIC: Miguel "Right Now" (#MP3 Download)

Here's a new one from singer, Miguel. This one's called "Right Now", check it out below...

Click here for more on Miguel.

New Movie: "Video Girl" Starring Meagan Good (Trailer)

Meagan Good is Laurie Walker,
"the hottest, highest paid chick in the game"
in the new movie "Video Girl," set to release soon. Looks like it will be showing the struggles of a female trying to make it has a video "actress" in the music industry.

Meagan said this about the movie,

“I just produced a film that should be out by the end of the year called Video Girl. It’s very much like Gia––the HBO film Angelina Jolie did for HBO. It’s not the Karrine Steffans story. It’s about a very unassuming girl from a small town who used to be a professional dancer until she gets a knee injury. So she’s in a place where she’s trying to figure out what she wants to do professionally. She gets hooked into the video-modeling world, develops a drug habit and really gets caught up in the limelight."

Take a look at the trailer below:

Yeh or neh??

Fãs cantam parabéns a Gaga na TMBT

Fãs cantam parabéns para Gaga:

Lady Gaga ganha sapatos de Judy Garland

Lady Gaga recebeu os sapatos vermelho originais que Judy Garland usou no filme ‘O Mágico de Oz’ no seu 25 º aniversário, na noite de segunda-feira (28) na The Monster Ball Tour.

Emocionada, Gaga revelou que o presente significava muito para ela, já que perdeu o papel de Dorothy, interpretado no filme por Judy Garland, quando era mais nova em uma peça de teatro da escola.

“Mal sabiam eles que eu tenho um fundo real com estes sapatos. Eu nunca vou esquecer, porque eu queria muito interpretar a Dorothy na peça. Eu estava na oitava série e a menina que pegou o papel estava no último ano. Eu definitivamente merecia o papel, não entendi. Acabei ficando como uma das pessoas no coro, o pior parte. Mas agora estes sapatinhos de rubi são meus.”

Depois de comemorar o aniversário com uma festa intimista para amigos e familiares em Los Angeles ontem, ela subiu ao palco para um concerto no Staples Center, onde contou a história do seu presente aos fãs.

“Se você não se sentir como Dorothy hoje, talvez você se sentirá como alguém no coro ou o Espantalho, ou talvez como o Homem de Lata ou a bruxa má. Só sei que você terá oportunidades em sua vida para mudar as coisas, um dia alguém vai lhe entregar um par de sapatos de rubi. ”

Fonte: LGBR