Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rumor Control: Will & Jada Are NOT Breaking Up...According To Them.

Twitter went in a frenzy today as rumors circulated of their break up...things got so bad that Will & Jada released this statement....

Just days after we reported on Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith's not-so-secret swinger relationship....someone spread the rumor that they are breaking up.

The rumor spread so fast via Twitter that Trey Smith, Will's son from his previous marriage, jumped on twitter and wrote....

"Will and Jada getting a DIVORCE ..NOT TRUE AT ALL !! RETWEET."

Will & Jada ended up having to release this joint statement... SHOOTING DOWN a report that they have separated.

The statement reads, "Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of press reports, the rumors circulating about our relationship are completely false."
"We are still together, and our marriage is intact."


Sources are saying Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith ARE having significant problems in their marriage, but they have NOT made a decision to separate ... at least not yet -- this according to sources connected with the couple.


"TWEET OF THE WEEK": Will & Jada Do It --- Are You Down With Open Relationships?!

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